Protocol Ladder View: icmp_linux.pcap

12 packets | 3 endpointsApply as Display Filter
Conversations Protocols Endpoints
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Echo (ping) request id=0x677e, seq=1/256, ttl=1 (no response found!)0.000000Time-to-live exceeded (Time to live exceeded in transit)0.000081Echo (ping) request id=0x677e, seq=2/512, ttl=1 (no response found!)5.011399Time-to-live exceeded (Time to live exceeded in transit)5.011520Echo (ping) request id=0x6781, seq=1/256, ttl=1 (no response found!)8.353516Time-to-live exceeded (Time to live exceeded in transit)8.353810Echo (ping) request id=0x6781, seq=2/512, ttl=1 (no response found!)13.397226Time-to-live exceeded (Time to live exceeded in transit)13.397372Echo (ping) request id=0x6785, seq=1/256, ttl=1 (no response found!)14.153348Time-to-live exceeded (Time to live exceeded in transit)14.153415Echo (ping) request id=0x6786, seq=1/256, ttl=1 (no response found!)16.978571Time-to-live exceeded (Time to live exceeded in transit)16.978635